
Greetings from HisKid's Children's Ministry! We couldn’t be more excited that you are looking for a church home, and we hope that your family can find a place here! God calls us to walk alongside parents of all children. Our vision is to excellently engage children with biblically missional principles in a safe environment. This will allow us to fulfill our Holy Spirit - led mission of:

  • Empowering Families
  • Creating Disciples
  • Serving Others

Please consider following us on social media and don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.




Kathy Minor; Cokesbury Kids Ministries Director

(Click name to email)

Phone: (850)-476-5818

Wednesday Nights

FW Friends is held each Wednesday evening during the school year from 6:20 through 7:30 in Bullington Hall on the 9th Avenue campus.

Three year olds (potty trained) through fifth graders gather to have a safe place to laugh, love, and explore Bible points. FW Friends is a fast moving, rotational model curriculum with discovery centers. It integrates snacks, crafts, games, music, service projects, and a surprise station. With each area visited children are able to learn the Bible lesson of the night through a different form of learning. Children make new friends and discover the best friend any of us can have is Jesus Christ

Sunday School

We want to reach and teach your children in such a way that they have the greatest opportunity to become devoted followers of Jesus. In Children’s Sunday School, your kids will worship, learn, and have fun at their own level. For children ages, 3 through 5th grade, Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM bring exciting learning and fellowship opportunities for all ages. Children’s Sunday school meets in Bullington Hall. Children have a lesson time and then break into small groups for age-appropriate projects based on lessons of the day. Through these fun and interactive teaching methods, your child will learn about God’s love and His saving grace. Children in our Sunday school program must be 3 years old by September 1 of the current school year.

Our Nursery

Children are precious to us at Cokesbury Church. Welcoming newborns to age 3, we strive to make our Nursery fun and stimulating for even the youngest child coming through our door. While we realize it can be difficult to leave your child in the care of others, we want to assure you that our staff has a genuine love for the work they do.

Our Nursery is staffed by paid, experienced, and background-checked workers who are trained in the areas of child care, child development, safety, and sanitation.

We offer a loving, Christian atmosphere. Our nursery room is safe, fun, and filled with age-appropriate toys, games, and books.


One of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ is to serve the local church. And it’s not just on the weekends! Serving opportunities are available several days a week.

Volunteers are the backbone of His Kid's Children’s Ministry at Cokesbury. All of our volunteers go through a background check and a training process. We encourage our families to partner with us so that we are able to assist you in developing your child’s spiritual formation.

Keeping our Kids Safe

Because we believe that Jesus taught us to care for His children and youth, safe supervision is a top priority for Cokesbury. Our Safe Campus (Safe Sanctuary) policy sets standards for the supervision of the children, youth, and vulnerable adults in our care. As we align ourselves with all United Methodist congregations, we adopt policies for the prevention of neglect and abuse. As Christian communities of faith and United Methodist congregations, we have committed our leaders and volunteers to practice safety and spiritual growth of all children, youth, and vulnerable adults.

Learn more about the Safe Campus Policy

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